And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
Revelations forever hidden from Humanity
Adding a layer to the interpretation of Daniel 11:36, the concept of “indignation” can be deeply nuanced and provocative, the meaning of the word being “anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment”. This indignation, as understood by some interpreters, might not solely be directed towards humanity or the actions of the Antichrist but could also reflect a profound existential frustration with the Divine. This perspective suggests that the indignation arises from God’s perceived withholding of ultimate truths from humanity, truths that could potentially have guided them towards a different path, avoiding suffering and misunderstanding about the divine will and the nature of reality.
The Divine Paradox of Knowledge Withheld
This reading introduces a challenging paradox: the Divine, in its omniscience, chooses when and what to reveal about the deeper mechanics of the universe and the nature of existence. The Antichrist’s rise to power, predicated on a deeper understanding of these hidden truths, might then be seen as a direct challenge to the divine decision to withhold such knowledge. This act of revealing secrets that were divinely concealed could be viewed as the ultimate rebellion against God, yet paradoxically, it unfolds according to divine foreknowledge and, possibly, intention.
The Role of Hidden Knowledge in Human History
Throughout human history, the pursuit of knowledge has been a driving force behind cultural, scientific, and spiritual development. The notion that certain fundamental truths have been deliberately kept from humanity by the divine and corrupted humans in power aware of many hidden truths, introduces a profound tension into the narrative of progress. It posits that the revelation of these truths by the Antichrist—though they might seem manipulative and self-serving—also serves to illuminate the limitations and conditions under which humanity has been operating. This illumination could lead to a critical reevaluation of mankind’s relationship with the divine, the cosmos, and mankind itself.
Indignation as a Catalyst for Fulfillment
The indignation, then, which continues as long as Antichrist is in power, is not just a reaction to the Antichrist’s defiance but also a reflection of a deeper, cosmic discontent with the state of divine-human relations. It symbolizes a critical juncture where hidden knowledge becomes the linchpin for the unfolding of eschatological events. This moment of revelation forces all of creation to confront the realities of divine law, the nature of power, and the essence of truth itself.
Reconciliation and Redemption
In this broader interpretive context, the indignation and the events it precipitates could be seen as necessary steps toward a greater reconciliation and redemption in the coming Apocalypse. The word apocalypse indeed means revelation, that which is uncovered and comes from the Greek word which literally means “to pull the lid off something.” The Antichrist’s role, deeply intertwined with the revelation of hidden truths and the provocation of divine indignation, might ultimately serve to advance the divine plan towards its fulfillment. Through the turmoil and revelation, a path is forged towards a new understanding and relationship between the divine and humanity, wherein the withheld truths become catalysts for spiritual evolution and redemption.
Incorporating the theme of divine indignation for the withholding of truth adds a complex layer to the prophecy of Daniel 11:36, inviting contemplation on the nature of divine revelation, the ethics of hidden knowledge, and the ultimate purpose behind the unfolding of cosmic and spiritual dramas. This perspective challenges us to ponder the profound and often paradoxical dynamics that govern the relationship between the divine and the created order, pointing towards a deeply interwoven narrative of revelation, rebellion, and redemption.